
Hi and thanks for visiting my blog. I'm a humble student who enjoys scribbling away at things, from poetry to random thoughts, jokes to serious topics. I hope to amuse, entertain, inform and inspire.
I will on occasion post pieces on awareness of current issues; not very often but when I do they will be something I feel strongly about. Please be respectful if you post a comment.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

If at First You Don’t Succeed …

1 - Eat chocolate and try again.

2 - Watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer and try again.

3 - Read a Charles Dickens novel and try again.

4 - Win Monopoly and try again.

5 - Beat the world high score on Runescape and try again.

6 - Order four-course Chinese and try again.

7 - Go to see the Lion King on stage and try again.

8 - Change your mobile phone and spend all your credit on it and try again.

9 - Visit Disneyland Florida and try again.

10 - Write a novel and try again.

11 - Win a chess championship and try again.

12 - Spring-clean the whole of London and try again.

13 - Ask Santa for the twelve days of Christmas’ gifts, one at a time, for twelve years in a row and try again.

14 - Travel the world and try again.

15 - Mope about it till you’re 99 and 364 days old and try again.

UNLESS what you’re trying to do was to save the world in a 60-second deadline, in which case you’d better skip all the above and get a move on!