
Hi and thanks for visiting my blog. I'm a humble student who enjoys scribbling away at things, from poetry to random thoughts, jokes to serious topics. I hope to amuse, entertain, inform and inspire.
I will on occasion post pieces on awareness of current issues; not very often but when I do they will be something I feel strongly about. Please be respectful if you post a comment.

Sunday 31 October 2010

Caffeine Through the Day: Student

6.00 AM. Sleepy-eyed, dog-tired, face another day of classes. Four teaspoons coffee, sugar and a splash of milk, transport strike and car out of petrol.
9.00 AM. Hellish commute complete, lightly fragranced latte to calm. Sits on desk and gets sipped smugly.
11.00 AM. Class ends, elevenses, munch time. Frothy cappuccino and a piece of cake. Not coffee cake – alas! Hurry to next class, brush crumbs away.
1.00 PM. Sick of coffee. Soothing tea makes up for hurried lunch break. Sidle into seat in nick of time, sigh of relief.
3.00 PM. Will day never end. Eyes tired again, been staring at computer screen too long. Vending machine and Red Bull fix, type double speed.
6.00 PM. Thirsty on home trip, what’s there to drink? Half caf, please, been shaking all day.
8.00 PM. No time to cook, order in. Would you like a drink with that? Coke, please.
9.00 PM. Want to get a drink, mate? No thanks, driving, and early start tomorrow. I’ll get you a Coke, then. Oh, all right.
11.00 PM. Home again, enter room and spot pile of work needing working. Going home tomorrow, no time then. Double espresso to keep awake.
12.00 midnight. Will not sleep, will not sleep. Eyes closing. Invented new cocktail, friends will be proud. Coffee granules and Red Bull mixed in Coke, yes, down the hatch, yuck! That should do it.
1.00 AM. Work done, sent to tutor, jump into bed. No more caffeine for me! Don’t let bed bugs bite, Saturday tomorrow.
2.00 AM. Wonder why I can’t sleep ...
The End
Disclaimer: Caffeine Through the Day: Student is intended as a light-hearted parody of student life, not in any way a realistic representation. The author takes no responsibility for lack of sleep or any other side-effect induced by caffeine over-use as a result of anybody following the persona’s example.